East Hills has started the 100 Day Adventure and we want to invite you to join us.
The 100 Day Adventure means spending daily time in God's Word, reading it, and developing your relationship with God. And the best part is…we are doing it together! It follows our 90 Day Challenge in which we read the New Testament in 90 days.
This time around, we are reading the Torah in 100 days. Torah ("Instruction", "Teaching" or "Law") has a range of meanings, but here we use it to specifically mean the first five books of the Old Testament (five books of Moses or “Pentateuch”). This is commonly known as the Written Torah.
All you need to know is here in the documents below. The READING PLAN lays out what to read on what days.
The INTRODUCTION will tell you what it’s all about and how to make it meaningful.
And if you would like to have some questions to answer as you read to help you get more out of your experience, then we will be uploading the files in different DAYS as we go. So get them when you see them. You can print them out, cut them in half, hole punch them and put them in your notebook ready to use as you go through the adventure (or do it the easy way and get them in the church lobby on Sunday all done for you ).